Friday 16 April 2010

Clash of the Titans Review

Right, saw Clash of the Titans today. It's set in ancient greek times, about a demi-god named Perseus (Avatar's Sam Worthington) who must face up to the gods to save humanity. The film has an excellent cast (Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes on screen together for the first time since Schindler's List) and has lots of spectacular action sequences but is nothing special. It isn't as visually striking as 300, but it is more entertaining than Troy and I thoroughly enjoyed watching Sam Worthington who had by some way the film's best performance (although that's no special feet). It's cheesy, it's dumb, it's silly but if you're just looking for a way to kill an hour and a half or if you just wanna big dumb action film, this should do the trick. I haven't seen the 1981 original, so I don't know how it compares to that, but I imagine that the visual effects are far superior in this one. Bear in mind, I saw this in 2-D and not in 3-D, so I don't know if it's anywhere near as mind blowing as Avatar was in 3-D, but from what I've heard it's quite poor in the format. Overall, I'd say that the film knows it's gonna win Academy Awards and tries just to be a silly popcorn movies. I have mixed feelings about films like these, but this was one of the ones I enjoyed more. Why? Who, quite frankly, isn't exicted by Sam Worthington taking on giant scoropions, lethally ugly chicks and the frickin huuuuge Kraken with nothing but a sword?

Rating: ***

Ratings system

Just thought I'd clarify how films would be rated. Just for the sake of easiness, I'm gonna do it the traditional star rating way:

***** - Excellent
**** - Very Good
*** - Good
** - Dissapointing
* - Epic Fail

If a film is expecptionally, I mean exceptionally good, I'll give a masterpiece rating along with it's five stars.

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Hi Y'all!

Just out of interest and because I've been told it's a good idea to do a blog, I thought instead of talking about my everyday life (too dull) I thought I'd speak about a conversation I and my friends would know ounces about: MOVIES! These can be reviews, rants, raves and just any general things I wish to speak about. If you have any topics that you'd like me to discuss just post them on my comment box or email me. Happy Blogging!